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Every beginning should be as special as the life of the relationship. Every brand has its impression from the beginning. Every word is signature.My Signature,


A bouquet of words, never witherThis line was written on roses and lasts the beauty of time

Now the visible rose, that you are in our hearts,the leaves of words unfold,it's bloom,thoughts more than the magnitude of words alone.With each and every word, our sentiments take root not only in your hearts but the plantable paper enclosed in your card is only the embryo.Every beginning should be as special as the life of the relationship.Every brand has its impression from the beginning.Every word is signature.My Signature, Jocelyn.

You never thought a rose could carry notes of signature lines, until you found beauty in a rose…this line was written on roses and lasts the beauty of time.

It was just a spray of perfume or colonge on an envelope and paper that sparked your senses!

Recall when your sweetheart scripted your heart with scented sachet paper notes,...letters and leaves of your love you saved in your lined drawers.

The scent of a lover's words held you in his arms for a moments' time while apart...